Monday, September 27, 2010

the hills are alive

I just might have to ditch work early on Oct. 29. Can it be true? YES! The Sound of Music cast is reuniting on Oprah!

I tell ya, somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.


Caprene said...

ugh, you know how I dislike that song... =)
ps - thanks for the heads up, I set my TIVO

Leigh said...

Oh yes, I thought of you as I posted that!

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

I read this today and got totally excited!

Kimber said...

This is awesome! I will definitely have to watch. Thanks for the heads up.

Julianne said...

I have never seen this movie!

I did however get it from my sis-in-law for my birthday in March...maybe its about time to actually watch it!

Lisa/Scott said...

This is the best news of my LIFE!!