Thursday, June 5, 2008


The boss announced layoffs today. Needless to say, I'm nervous, along with most of my co-workers. In total, 35 people must go. We won't find out who for another few weeks. Talk about fun.

To read the full story of the melee, click here.


Batman Forever said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Brandon and Becca said...

That makes for a long couple of weeks. Good luck I guess. We'll keep our fingers crossed too.

Andreas V said...

I know it must be totally nerve-wracking, but try to keep the faith! Everything will work out one way or another.

You'll be in my prayers as usual.

amelia said... that you are private, your blog doesn't show up in my RSS feed!

Anyway, GOOD LUCK. I think you "young reporters" will be fine!

mom said...

We are just thinking positive thoughts. How could they possibly get along without you! Mom