Tuesday, April 15, 2008


NEWSFLASH: I'm an idiot.

So I thought I booked my flight to Disneyland months ago. Apparently not.

For some reason I had the feeling to get online and check my flight info for the trip next week. I thought I booked a flight that perfectly matched my family's flights, and we were to meet up in Ontario about the same time. As I started looking, I couldn't find any reservations. NONE.

Then I started to panic. I checked my mom's email, then Betsy's (change your passwords if this bothers you) but didn't find a thing about my flights there. I called both Southwest and Delta to see if they had my flight info. But they said I didn't have a flight booked. Awesome.

Luckily I found a pretty good deal online, so I'm still going to California next week.

Talk about a heart attack.


Batman Forever said...

What time do you get in? What airline?

amelia said...

OH NO!! That's scary.

Brandon and Becca said...

It would have been kind of funny if you showed up at the airport insisting you had a ticket, but I'm glad you realized it and have a real one. You guys are going to have a blast!