Thursday, February 7, 2008

those lips

I'm a winner. Yes, really.

I won the "name those lips" contest at the ward valentine's day dinner tonight. I correctly identified ten different sets of lips of guys in my ward. The prize? A $15 gift certificate. Awesome.

So, in honor of my big win, I present my own lip contest. Name these family lips.


Batman Forever said...

Top left: Dad
Top Right: David
Middle left: Leigh
Middle right: Me
Bottom right: Becca
Bottom left: Andrew

How did I do?

Batman Forever said...

Or is Becca me again?

Leigh said...

Keep waiting, Boss. I will let others guess at least until tomorrow.

Brandon and Becca said...

Bottom left is me, bottom right is Andrew
Other than that I agree with Betsy.

Batman Forever said...

I meant bottom left: Becca and bottom right Andrew.

mom said...

top left: Dad
top right: David
Middle left: Me?
Middle right: Betsy
Bottom left: Becca
Bottom right: Andrew

Andreas V said...

Cool game! I thought I was one of them until I looked in the mirror!